Friday, May 31, 2019
Why ANZAC day should never be forgotten :: Australia Australian History
Anzac day is part of Australia, its history, its nationhood and its people. From the day the 1st AIF (Australian Imperial Force) was created in WW1 to now in 2008 with the war in Iraq. Australia has proved herself measure and time again to the world by showing the true bravery of her people. Australia is a young nation and only underwent federation in 1901 and 14 years afterward faced a major crisis. The July Crisis of 1914 where a 19 year old terrorist, a member of the black hand a Serbian terrorist organisation, shot at point blank range Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife while they were on a visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. This ignited the fuse of one of the deadliest wars that the earth has ever seen. The Austro-Hungarian imperium took this as a chance to declare war on Serbia. Germany backed up the Austro-Hungarians decision and almost forced them to declare war apace on Serbia, which Austro- Hungary did. Russia began to mobilise her armys to aid in Serbias defe nce. Germany in fear of encirclement by allied forces began to activate the Schiliffen Plan in which Germany forced its way around France through Belgium. When Germany attacked Belgium, England which had a treaty signed with Belgium began to mobilise her ships. This is when Australia received the call of duty from Europe. People began to rejoice and enlistment started forthwith with a vast number of people signing up within days the 1st AIF was raised and equipment was bought. Australia gave control of the unit and its Navy over to England and it was contumacious after the troops were trained that they were to be deployed to Cairo where they underwent more training for harsher climates. Looking at the diary entries of these young men in the AIF you can clear that they were eager to look out for one another and ready for the attack and all were in high spirits and happy the night before the tragic landing. Some people say that here is where Australia underwent its baptism by fire and learnt through the harshness and hell of war about being a nation and a united people. Many were killed in the tragic landing but besides this A.N.Z.A.C troops were harsh, quick and brutal as soon as they scrambled up the beach head began to make a bold and courageous charge at the enemy bayonets sharpened and at the ready.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Inside Every Modern Computer O :: essays research papers
Inside every modern computer or other data-processing wonder is a microprocessor bearing millions of transistors sculpted from silicon y chemicals and light. Silicon, the second most abundant element onEarth, is used extensively in transistors, integrated circuits, photoelectric devices, and other electronic devices. A pure quartz of silicon does not conduct electricity unless traces of other substances are diffused or doped onto it. Therefore silicon must be manufactured in a specific way in order for it to yield electrons for a current. All manufacturing of silicon takes place in a "clean room" which is an area where each one foot cube of air must contain fewer than 1000 tiny specks of broadcast and zero humidity. The temperature is maintained at a constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit and all workers have to wear coats, gloves, masks, and overshoes. This is necessary because even one dust piece or water droplet can ruin a batch of chip production. & nbsp The manufacturing of a silicon chip starts when silica, the main component of sand, is heated with carbon which makes 98 percent pure silicon. This is then dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The resulting liquid is fractionally distilled to separate almost all of the impurities.The remaining liquid is then heated in a hydrogen tmosphere, which produces the purest silicon possible. This silicon, however, is in the form of many crystals of different sizes and orientations. This silicon goes finished the Czochralski pulled crystalprocess in which it is melted in a erect crucible into which a probe, tipped with a small seed crystal is immersed. Silicon atoms attach themselves to the seed in perfect alignment with its structure while it is rotated and pulled slowly upward. The seed grows into a three foot long, cylindrical, single crystal. Silicon this pure is hard, dark grey in color and lusterous. The giant crystal of silicon is contiguo us ground into a perfect cylinder, which is sliced by a diamond-tipped saw into wafers 1 mm thick. Using particles one-tenth of a micrometer gauge wide, the faces of these wafers are polished to give a smooth base onto which up to two hundred dentical chips can simultaneously be photo-etched. The base of the chip is next doped with small traces of boron. First the silicon base is coated with a layer of insulating silicon dioxide and photoresist, a light-sensitive material. This hardens only where ultraviolet light, projected through a mask, strikes it. The chip is immersed in solvent to wash away the soft resist shielded by the mask.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Brain in Ecstasy :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Brain in EcstasyLITTLE PILL flannel AND ROUNDGULP OF WATER, TURBO DOWN ANXIETY NOW, CANT STAND OR SIT, JUST WAIT, DONT WORRY, IT WILL HIT IN HALF-AN-HOUR YOU RISE INSIDE, EVERYONE LOVES, NO HATE TO HIDE. EVERYTHINGS GOOD, THERE IS NO WRONG, IF THE WHOLE WORLD SWALLOWED IT, EVERYONE WOULD GET ALONG... WORLD PEACE I HAVE A VISION, CANNOT BE OBTAINED THROUGH RELIGIONBUT CAN BE resolute CHEMICALLYTHERE IS A GOD CALLED ECSTASY- By Anonymous user of ecstasy (1). The various account of users of a drug known as ecstasy were among the most moving and perplexing reading that I had ever encountered. It is remarkable to imagine that each of us is able to rise inside, overcome the barriers of every ban feelings, and to love to our outermost capacity.... with slightly help from the little white pill. While most of the accounts that I reviewed had an overriding theme of experience of closeness, love, and peace, the accounts were very outcome specific A writer finds a years lost muse, a gi rl learns how to love herself and others, a religious man finally achieves spiritual expansion, a couple is able to exchange sexual roles as if having their partners body, and the list goes on and on (2). But there are also negative experiences associated with the use of ecstasy, although they are documented much less. For example, a user describes his state after a trip on ecstasy for the next couple of days afterwards I was an emotional wreck, paranoid as hell, shaking, involuntary muscle spasms, and my tonsillitis came back (3). After a similar negative experience, another user who genuinely had to stop taking ecstasy because of the detrimental side effects it produced, comments Its just a pity that people cant feel worry they do on Ecstasy, naturally (4). Perhaps trying to understand how a chemical can cause a state of euphoria would help us figure out how to achieve it naturally. Then, we can make some sense of, or at least hypothesize about, the neurobiology which underlies the depth of human experience. From even some accounts I outlined above, one can see how complex the feelings brought about by this drug really are. Finding the muse and everything that encompasses it, is a quite compound behavior, not to mention the vision of world peace and love It seems unlikely that a simple chemical should cause such a wide divagate of effects.
Comparing Home in Richard Fords I Must Be Going and Scott Sanders Hom
Comparing Home in Richard get acrosss I mustiness Be Going and Scott Sanders HomeplaceMost people define kin as a comfortable setting which provides love and warmth. In Scott Sanders Homeplace and Richard Fords I Must Be Going the concept of home is delimitate in two different ways. Sanders believes that by moving from place to place, the meaning of home has been diminished. Sanders believes that Americas culture nudges every whiz into motion (Sanders 103) and that his longing to become an indweller rather than a drifter (103) is what sets him apart from everyone else. Ford prefers to stay on the move. His argument is lifes too short to settle in one place. He believes home is where you make it, but permanence is not a requirement. Sanders argues that in our national mythology, the worst fate is to be trapped on a farm, in a village, or in some unglamorous marriage (Sanders 102). Ford is a prime example of someone who believes this myth. In all of Fords moves from place to place, he has been in search of something better. He says that all of his moving is a result of longing that overtakes me like a fast gondola car on the freeway and makes me willing to withstand a feeling of personal temporariness (Ford 109). Ford acts on his feelings without realizing that he will only be there for a short time. Sanders associates yearning for some other place as being wrong. He quotes Henry Thoreau saying, The man who is often thinking that it is better to be someplace else than where he is excommunicates himself (104). Ford does believe staying in one place is normal, One neer moves without an uneasiness that staying is the norm (110). However, Ford blames growing up in Jackson, disseminated multiple sclerosis as his reason for wil... ...t people Rushdie mentions here. Ford is the person who roots himself in ideas because he is always looking for that special place but can never find it. Sanders would rather commit himself to one spot becau se he feels any one place is as good as any. Sanders gains this mentality based on the discoveries of Copernicus and that Earth is not the center of the universe. He believes, any point is as good as any other for observing the world (Sanders 103). Ford finds no truth in this statement as he continues to move toward someplace we badly need to go (Ford 111).Works CitedSanders, Scott Homeplace. Seeing and Writing. Donald McQuade and Christine Mcquade. Boston Bedford/ St. Martins, 2000. 101-104Ford, Richard I Must Be Going Seeing and Writing. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 109-111
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- social issues
Legalizing MarijuanaThe purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and comp ar both sides of the issue of legalizing marijuana. We have two factions fighting each other unity those who are pro marijuana and those who are anti marijuana. These two factions have been fighting on this issue on the halls of justice for years. Pro marijuana legalisation groups such as the Physicians Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma Foundation argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims who find that marijuana stimulates their appetites so they can fight off redoubted emaciation glaucoma sufferers who have used marijuana said it has prevented them from going blind, and pubic louse patients for whom it alleviates the severe nausea that is often accompanies chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. Due to all these lobbying groups which show substantial evidence that marijuana can be used as a prescr ibed drug. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for legitiment medical use. City council women Ch...
Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- social issues
Legalizing MarijuanaThe purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare both sides of the force of legalizing marijuana. We have two factions fighting each other one those who are pro marijuana and those who are anti marijuana. These two factions have been fighting on this issue on the halls of justice for years. Pro marijuana legalization groups such as the Physicians Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma Foundation argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims who find that marijuana stimulates their appetites so they can fight off dangerous gauntness glaucoma sufferers who have used marijuana said it has prevented them from going blind, and cancer patients for whom it alleviates the severe nausea that is often accompanies chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. Due to all these lobbying groups which show hard evidence that marijuana can be used as a prescribed medicate. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphia and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to check federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for legitiment medical use. City council women Ch...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Normative and Descriptive Approaches
Decision making can be very tough when both excerpts are very appealing. We are faced with many decisions daily and have to make sure we choose the cover one. Ethics play a major role in decision making. It allows good philosophy to play its part. It gives you the freedom to choose right from wrong. In this paper you will be introduced to principle and descriptive ethical motive. You will be given a definition, a contrast, how the approaches may imp stage the vicious arbitrator overlord, how the approaches are similar and vary, and which approach you feel is scoop up and why. Normative ethical motive is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates the set of questions that arise when we think about the question how ought one act, morally speaking? Normative ethics can be divided into the sub-disciplines of moral theory and applied ethics. In recent years the boundaries between these sub-disciplines have increasingly been dissolving as moral theorists become more int erested in applied problems and applied ethics is becoming more profoundly philosophically informed.Normative ethics is distinct from meta-ethics because it examines standards for the justice and wrongness of actions, while meta-ethics studies the meaning of moral language and the metaphysics of moral facts. (Wikipedia. org) This approach is similar to how religious people view their God. They say that God gives the individual the choice to choose whats right and wrong. Christians in any case believe that Adam and Eve utilized the power of whats right and wrong. They were given the descriptive approach by God and they chose otherwise. For any act, there are three things that might be thought to be morally interesting first, there is the agent, the person performing the act second, there is the act itself third, there are the consequences of the act. There are three types of normative ethical theoryvirtue, deontological, and consequentiality, each emphasizing one of these elements . (moralphilosophy. info) Descriptive ethics, as well kn give as comparative ethics, is the study of peoples beliefs about morality. Descriptive ethics is a form of empirical research into the attitudes of individuals or groups of people.Those working on descriptive ethics aim to uncover peoples beliefs about such things as values, which actions are right and wrong, and which characteristics of moral agents are virtuous. Research into descriptive ethics may also investigate peoples ethical ideals or what actions societies condemn or punish in jurisprudence or politics. Because descriptive ethics involves empirical investigation, it is a field that is ordinarily investigated by those working in the fields of evolutionary biology, psychology, sociology or anthropology.Information that comes from descriptive ethics is, however, also used in philosophical arguments. Normative ethics is also distinct from descriptive ethics, as the latter is an empirical investigation of peoples moral beliefs. To put it another way, descriptive ethics would be concerned with determining what proportion of people believe that killing is always wrong, while normative ethics is concerned with whether it is correct to hold such a belief. Hence, normative ethics is sometimes said to be prescriptive, rather than descriptive.However, on certain versions of the meta-ethical view called moral realism, moral facts are both descriptive and prescriptive at the same time. (Wikipedia. org) Descriptive ethics deal with what the population actually believes to be right and wrong, and holds up as ideals or condemns or punishes in law or politics, as contrasted to normative ethics which deals with what the population should believe to be right and wrong, and such concepts as sin and evil.Society is usually balancing the ii in some way, and sociology and social psychology are often concerned with the balance, and more clinical assessments and instruments to determine ethical attitudes. (knowled gerush. com) A criminal justice professional has morals they must abide by to make the right decision. They must know whats right and wrong, and know how to distinguish the two. Normative ethics impacts criminal justice professionals by allow them to show the criminal to see that what they have done is wrong.It also allows the criminal justice professional to coach the criminal on the consequences of their actions and ways to prevent another offense. Descriptive ethics impacts criminal justice professionals by allowing them to do the norm against the population. They are trying to establish criminal justice when the population may see that all criminals should be punished. I feel that the normative approach to ethics is the best approach. This approach allows one to make his own decision and not follow what everyone is saying.Everyone should be able to make his or her own decision whether it is right or wrong. If you make the right decision, then you cast good things, and if you ma ke the wrong decisions, you reap bad things. The approaches are similar because they stress the value of whats right and wrong. It shows that a decision have to be made whether its right or wrong. They vary because one allows the individual to make the decision of right and wrong, and the other allows the population to dictate whats right or wrong not giving the individual to make the ethical decision.Referenceshttp//
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Hoosier Burger Essay
The swan development team for Hoosier Burger has had several meetings with the owners, Bob and Thelma Mellankamp. Mr. Mellankamp has stressed the important mitigatements and shared that the businesses food demand has increase drastically. There have been many problems that have arisen from this type of demand and could affect business if a system is not created to meet those needs. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the Hoosier Burger project was identified and selected, find the project scope and what the new system go away have, and assess the projects feasibility factors as well as develop the project scope. The reading system project had to first be identified and selected. This would be the first phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). To do this the project development team has had several meetings with Mr. and Mrs. Mellankamp to discuss improvements and identifying areas that need most improvements.According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), Pr oject identification and selection consists of three primary activities identifying dominance development projects, classifying and ranking projects, and selecting projects for development (p. 94). The potential development projects for Hoosier Burger are improving inventory control, customer ordering, and management describe systems and ranking in that order. The focus of the new system will be to improve customer service by improving inventory management, marketing, and food preparations (keeping inventory stocked). The project scope statement for Hoosier Burger will describe what the project will hawk as well as outline all the work that will be required for project completion.The project will deliver a tracking system for inventory, customer ordering and sales and over all improve management reporting. The new system will be required to meet these goals in order to assist the owners of Hoosier Burger to control these different aspects. Each different area will work with one another to help Mr. Mellankamp manage the business and reporting systems better. Using six feasibility factors, the project development team can assess Hoosier Burger project feasibility. According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), Assessing project feasibility is a required chore that can be a large undertaking because it requires you, as a systems analyst, to evaluate a wide range of factors (p. 100). The six feasibility factors are economic,operational, technical, schedule, well-grounded and contractual, and political.As stated by Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), The analysis of these six factors forms the business case that justifies the expenditure of resources on the project (p. 100). The economic feasibility of Hoosier Burgers project is that it will benefit the company financially because it will increase business with customers being happier with the service. The operational feasibility for the named case is that the project that is being developed will very li kely solves most of the businesss problem because it is currently all done manually by hand with no system at all. adept feasibility in this case is that the organization has the ability to construct the system. Schedule, legal and contractual, and political feasibility will also follow as well when the project begins.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ship Breaking Industries of Bangladesh
Shipbreaking Activities in Bangladesh and collision of Marine Bio vicissitude Prabal Barua Associate Program Officer YPSA The marine environment of the coastal water is vital to mankind on a global as well as on local basis concerning energy. Man is becoming a dominant part of the ecosystem in umteen regions, due to his divers(a) uses of the marine environment. So the health of marine ecosystem is an important factor in man own existence.The bay tree of Bengal which is a potential herald of marine life as well as for its vast coastal communities is now continually polluted by different types of pollutant through inflow of land base and other sources and put an alarming signal of awareness about pollution in the sea. The coastal areas of Chittagong Support a complex trophic organization sustain a high biodiversity including just about endemic species and are highly susceptible to screenference from activities. Coastal ecosystem makes a sustainable livelihood in particular to co astal search communities.Ship breaking yards along the coast of Chittagong (Faujdarhat to Kumira) has become a paramount importance in the macro-and micro-economic context of poverty- stricken Bangladesh. Shipbreaking activities present both gainsay and opportunity for coastal zone management in holistic manner. The history of ship breaking is as nearly old as shipbuilding. As we populate that a ship is relatively a large vessel capable of operating in the deep ocean. The term vessels applies to the vessels of over 5000 tons and that can pilot in open seas.In Bangladesh ship breaking is touristyly known as Beaching. Ship breaking started as a business in Bangladesh in 1972. prior to that, 2/3 ships were scrapped during Pakistan period. It started automatically when a 20000 DWT vessel was drive ashore by the devastating tidal bore of 1965. That was the first ship scrapped on the 2 Chittagong sea beach. At present, ship breaking is conducted in an area of about 10 km by 32 out of 110 ship disruption yards from Bhatiari, Sonaichhari, kumira under the Sitakunda upazilla of Chittagong.The Department of Environment (DoE) has categorized the Ship Breaking Industry (SBI) as Red in 1995(EIA guidelines for the Industries, 1997). The Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) is non conducted before the establishment of SBI. As thither is no monitoring cell, the Shipyard owners are operating their business overwhelmingly as well as indiscriminately. They are less assured about hazards, toxicity and environmental pollution whereas more conscious about their benefit. Wastes of the scrapped ships are discharged directly into its adjacent areas which are ultimately draining into the Bay of Bengal.These wastes especially oil and oily substances, PCBs, TBTs, PAHs etc. and different types of trace and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) are being accumulated into the marine biota. As a result, marine pekanies diversity of the Chittagong coast that supports highly diversified mar ine water leanes, mollusks and benthic organisms etc. is at the stake right at this moment. Moreover the Coastal inhabitants/fisher common people lead not whole their livelihoods but in like manner solely depend on the coastal resources for their protein source.The CPUE (Catch Per Unit effort) has drastically been reduced to more than half relatively of a few decades ago. As a consequence, the coastal fisher folks are at the stake of their existence. They are either leaving their hereditary job or migrating to other places and becoming environmental refugees. That is why their socio-economic status is below the poverty level. There are few studies was done to find out the linkage between Ship breaking activity (SBA) and the marine pollution, impact on fisheries biodiversity and livelihoods of the fishermen community.In those researches, investigators con positioningred Bhatiary to Kumira as affected area and Sandwip Island as chair area from the shipbreaking activity. The ea stern side of Sandwip has been considered as control site because these are diagonally opposite and off the SBYs and the water and soil qualities are apparently free from pollutants as revealed from the earlier studies. From the earlier analysis we shew that trace metals concentration in sediments at shipbreaking area are so much higher than recommendation by GESAMP (Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution).But the researchers found that Sandwip which is significantly very lower than that of sediments at affected area. The surveys of Lead (Pb), Cadmium(Cd) and Mercury(Hg) found six and half eight and half and ninety four times higher than that of certified values respectively. These could be attributed to the combined effects of oil and oil spillage, petroleum hydrocarbons from ships, tankers, mechanized boats etc. During the investigation all the researcher found water qualities much(prenominal) as Hydrogen Ion H Concentration (p ), Dissolve Oxygen (D. O), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B. O. D), chemical substance Oxygen Demand (C. O.D), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Oil and Ammonia (NH3) were concentrated as a higher value in affected area than control area according to the metre value of water quality for the coastal water of Bangladesh (EQS, 1991). All the parameters observed such a higher that they exceeded the value of EQS. But the water parameters in Sandwip channel were optimum and near to the value of EQS standard. Water qualities in affected area exceeded the EQS standard which reveals that the water body of the adjacent area of ship breaking yards is not suitable for the existence of flora and fauna.The higher concentration was due to the discharge of various refuse oils and oily substances, dyes, chemicals, iron pieces, various types of metal rusts, solids, dyes, erosion of soil dust etc. from the ship breaking yards. Pollutants are alike discharged from the Sitakunda industrial area into the run-off open to the Bay. Impact of Marine Biodiversity Biodiversity, which is sort for biological diversity, is the term used to describe the whole variety of life on earth. In popular usage, the word biodiversity is often used to describe all the species living in a particular area.Biodiversity can be summarized as Life on earth. It is specify as The varieties of life on earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystem, and the ecological and evolutionary processes that sustain it. The total biodiversity of an area can be broken big bucks into two hierarchical components the number of functional types of organisms (animals and plants) or ecosystems (forest, prairie, tundra and marine intertidal) and the number of functionally equivalent organisms within each functional type.There are three types of aspects to biodiversity species diversity, familial diversity and ecosystem diversity. All three interact and change over time and from place to place. Phytoplankton is the pri mary food producers of the aquatic habitat and plays an important role in the food chain. Phytoplankton is the best index of the biological productivity. Analysis of phytoplankton showed that during monsoon, Aanabaena , Clostratrum(10. 98%) and Coscinodiscus(21. 97%), Euglena (9. 89%) and Zygnema (30. 76%) and during abide monsoon Coscinodiscus (97. 5%) and Euglena (2. 5%) dominated in the affected site.In the control site of Sandwip, these were dominated as 30. 41%, 19. 46% 17. 03% 9. 73% 23. 35% in the monsoon and 94. 73% and 5. 26% respectively in the speckle monsoon. Throughout the study period the abundance of phytoplankton at affected site was 91 cells/ l in monsoon season and 80 cells/ l in post monsoon season and in control site it was 411 cells/l in monsoon season and 190 cells / l in post monsoon season. Drifting minuscular floating animals, in the water body are collectively known as zooplankton on which the whole aquatic life depends directly or indirectly.As zooplan kton is very sensitive to optimum condition, so the coastal pollution due to ship breaking activities may have profound affects on its survival and occurrence. Analysis of zooplankton showed that Calanoida, Cyclopedia, Sagitta, Lucifer etc in the monsoon and Calanoida Acetes shrimp Lucifer and Zoea in the post monsoon were dominated in the affected site as revealed during zooplankton analysis whereas in the control site the dominant zooplankton were found as Calanoida, Cylpclpedia, Sagitta and Zoea during the post monsoon and Calanoida Acetes shrimp, Lucifer, Cladocera and Zoea in the post monsoon respectively.The bottom living organisms the benthos play an important role in the food chain especially in the inter tidal zone and it is also well recognized that the richest fisheries of the world are closely related to the benthic communities. Among the macro benthos, Amphipods, Polychaetes, Nemertina and Fish egg in the monsoon and Nemertina, Cladocera, Cyclopoida and Calanoida were found to be dominated at the affected site.But at the control site, Amphipod, Polychaete, Nemertina, Fish egg during the monsoon and Cladocera, Nemertina , Calanoida and Polychaete in the post monsoon were dominated So, the abundance of macro benthos in affected site was 118. 46 ind. / m3 in monsoon season and 4186. 74 ind. / m3 in post monsoon season, while in in the control site 368. 28 ind. / m3 in monsoon season and 14204. 41 ind. / m3 in post monsoon season.The fishery resources of the area seems to be affected by the ship breaking activities as revealed by increased fishing efforts, reduced species diversity, increased amount of trash fish. Horizontal expansion of the ship breaking yards has posed threat not only to the diversified coastal resources but also on the adjacent coastal inhabitants specially the fisher folks. The fishing hamlets of this study were found backward in the surface area of primary education and health that are the basic needs for them.Communication and drinking water supply were observed satisfactory but the sanitation status was found to be very poor. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) study showed that about 90% of them were local and full time fishermen and 10% were migratory of different districts including Bhola, Barisal, Mymensingh and others. The fisher folks are dissatisfied with different NGO activities working in this area. No government aid was found to be available for the welfare of fishermen communities.The check has declined in the tune of at least(prenominal) 50 to 60% of what was two decades ago. This incident has got serious implication in the context of survival of such a disgraced community. It was found that about 70% of the fishermen had either nets or boats or both of them. They use both mechanized and non-mechanized boats and some traditional fishing crafts (Dinghi) for fishing. Among the fishing nets Set Beg Net (Behundi Jal) and Gill Net (Ilish Jal) were found to be widely used.Though the gears are av ailable for fishing, they can catch a very wee amount in every effort. They uniquely inform that the fish catch had been reduced more than half of the previous time. Analysis of catch composition indicates that some commercially important fishes ilk Indian salmon (Polynemus indicus) commonly known as Lakhua, grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) known as bole coral Long jew fish (Otolithoides brunneus) locally known as lombu fish spanish mackerel (Cybium guttatum) known as maitta and butter fish (Psenes indicus) etc are in endangered position.Some other commercially important fishes like River shad (Tenualusa ilisha) Jwelled shad (Ilisha filigera) locally known as choikka mud skipper (Gobies) mango fish (Polynemus paradysius) known as Hriska Machh silver pomfret (Stromateus chinensis) bombay duck (Herpodon nehereus) mullet ( Mugil cephalus) ocean bass (Lates calcarifer) Anchovy(Coilia dussumeri Coilia ramkorati Setipinna taty) etc are reduced in catch. Many coastal fishermen are lea ving their hereditary profession and moving around everyday as environmental refugees from a state of unemployed and poverty to underemployment and grim poverty.Due to the deterioration of the water body, fishes are moving away from this area into the deep sea. But the poor fishermen with small fishing boats can hardly fish at deep seas the creditors and swindlers are taking this chances and rush to lend money and thus make them run into debt. The fishermen also reported that while they catch fish at sea they face piracy. They also face the muscle man, middle man and swindlers when they return with fewer amounts of fish.. These criminals turn away the fishes forcefully. The fishermen are exploited by the dealers in dadon (earnest money).It is made obligatory that the middleman determines the price of fish in the season of fish. They are to sell fish to the lenders at a nominal or throwaway price. The middlemen indulge in maintaining miscreants to exercise their authority over them. Before the season of fish they borrow 4/5 thousand Taka from the dadonders (Buyers cum earnest money lenders) to repair the boat which lead them run into debt. Generally the months of MarchApril-May (Falgoon-Chaitra-Baishakh) are the season of scarcity as reported by the fishermen during PRA survey.At this time they require at least Tk. 4000/5000 to repair their boats, nets and for other incidental expenses. Most of the fishermen opined that Ship Breaking Activity (SBA) creates problems to them and the rest did not respond. Besides, 90% of the villagers of the vicinity were anxious about their existence in future. Their nets for the catching fish become stuck with oil and impurities. They suffer from respiratory difficulties, sonic booms, explosions, lightning, fumes, toxic chemicals and skin diseases.It is give notice from the sociological study that coastal fish species diversity has been reduced due to the ship breaking activities. The fishermens hereditary profession is now at the endangered position due to the Ship Breaking Activity (SBA) less access to credit etc. But the most interesting thing is that they are not conscious about their rights and deprivation. The increasing SBA is depleting the fishery resources which simultaneously decreasing catch per unit effort (CPUE). So this trend is provoking the fisher folks to change their livelihoods for what they never feel comfort and safe.Land grabbing by the yard owners also occurs sometime. Expansion of the yard shrinks the area of the fishing villages. They have to leave their space with a very nominal price. They have rights over only 200 feet of the seashore where they dry nets and anchor boats. Erosion of the village by sea wave action endanger the fishing villages decade after decade. It started in sixties and nearly half a kilometer of the village has disappeared into the sea. Now at least 20,000 people engaged in catching fish are at the stake of their existence.Bangladesh is a party to the Conv ention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 1992 and the Biosafety Protocol. Bangladesh is also a party to the Convention on international Trade in Endangered Species of Wild fauna and Flora (CITES). Bangladesh has a Marine Fisheries Ordinance 1983 (ordinance No XXXV) and under this ordinance government may declare any area of Bangladesh fisheries waters and any adjacent or surrounding land to be a marine reserve (Part VII). So, if government bequeath declare Sandwip channel and its adjacent area as a marine reserve area for fisheries biodiversity it will be.Besides, there are many laws, rules and polices in Bangladesh to conserve marine biodiversity such as The territorial water and maritime zones act (1974) and rules (1977), The forest act (1917), Environment saving Act (1995), Protection and Conservation of Fish rules (1985), national fish policy (1996), the water policy (1999), the environment policy (1992). If we conserve our diversify marine biodiversity it will be urgent need to establish environment friendly Shipbreaking activity in Bangladesh.Related article Padma Bridge
Friday, May 24, 2019
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle in Indonesian School at a Glance Essay
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONA. Abstract We are astronautsall of us. We ride a spaceship called Earth on its endless journey around the sun. This ship of ours is blessed with life-support systems so ingenious that they are self-re hoting, so massive that they set up supply the needs of billions. Unfortunately for centuries we have causen them for granted, considering their capacity limitless. At last we have begun to monitor the systems, and the findings are deeply disturbing. Scientists and government officials of intact universe of discourse countries agree that we are in trouble. Unless we stop abusing our vital life-support systems, they will fail. We must chief(prenominal)tain them, or pay the penalty.The penalty is death. Air, water, and landthose are the systems. On land, nature moves full circle. Living things are nourished there, grow old and die, past decompose to enrich the land again. A thin envelope of go on around surrounds the planet. We use its oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide, which vegetation absorbs. Plants use the carbon for growth by the marvelous bear upon called photosynthesis, and return oxygen to the atmosphere. Thus natures ticklish balance is principal(prenominal)tained. Most states today are ill equipped to monitor the thousands of air-pollution sources within their borders and because corrective measures dirty dog be tremendously expensive, years may pass before a factory stops spouting black smoke. Virtually e really scientist we listened toand they numbered in the dozensemphasized that mankind must control universe growth.They forecast widespread famine if population soars unchecked. Plagues, toofor in the metropolitan sprawl of the future there will no long-life be sparsely settled buffer zones around cities to curb epidemics. What are the priorities? Most ecologists answered something like this weak up the most threatened areas first. Work to unsnarl the fragmented, overlapping debt instrument on national, state, and local levels. Focus research on finding environmental answersthere is so much yet to be learned. Be authoritativeistic slightly immediate goals. At least for now, settle for making a river clean enough to serve its particular purpose. Later, it place be made to be clean enough to drink. Get practical, enforceable pollution laws passedstandardized ones that will apply to both sides of a river, for instance, when it flows between two states.Before using a new chemical, explore for side effects, and when a new output is developed, plan for its ultimate disposal. Work toward recycling one factorys industrial waste can be another plans raw veridical, and make each individual aware of the problemssame like his role in solving them. This is the main problem among us who are living over this earth, how to control the production flow of goods and reutilize it well after it has been out of its usefulness period, how we could be innovative and inventive in making the best use of our own belon gings, unravel our industry wastes by processing it well, recycling it to be more(prenominal) useful good, and the most all-important(prenominal) that is inuring ourselves with reverting process to the natural resources and lifestyles.B. SMA Negeri 1 Purworejos Project From the abstraction assumption above, we can deduce that the conservation on natural ecology and environment is very eminent to keep the environments balance safe. It is all above that influences SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo to try developing high-ranking eco-school environment. The school management companionship has deemed for the better school worthy-life by arranging a pledge educative projects thru finalizing annual plan of eco-school improvement which is based on color living principles. From the midst of 2004, SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has formulated some strategic programs that are able to give deal outs of advantages for the schools citizens lives.CHAPTER 2POINT OF VIEWA. General fatal Idea of 3R1. Reduce Re duce is a behavior or an action of the costumers that is able to alleviate the production of wastes, such as the usage of biodegradable stunner as the substitute of non-biodegradable plastic bag and maximizing the best use of moor-land.2. Reuse Reuse is utilizing the waste instantly and advancing it without any recycling process. The employ process can be efficiently applied well not only on the organic wastes recycling only, but also on the nonorganic wastes. The occupation of reusing process, for examplea. The residual waste of food producing can be advantaged as the food for animal. b. The former tires can be used again and processed to be other unique utensils and various shape of furniture. c. The residual product of furniture constructing process is able to be benefitted as useful handicrafts, such as microscopic bag, sandals, tissue-pot, etc.3. Recycle Recycle is processing and reusing materials that would otherwise be thrown away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in new products. In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy than using new materials. cycle can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the manufacturing process.It decreases the amount of land needed for cast aside dumps by reducing the volume of discarded waste. Recycling can be done internally (within a company) or externally (after a product is sold and used). In the paper industry, for example, internal recycling occurs when leftover stock and trimmings are salvaged to help make more new product. Since the recovered material never left the manufacturing plant, the final product is said to contain pre-consumer waste. External recycling occurs when materials used by the customer are returned for processing into new products. Materials pull in to be recycled in this manner, such as empty beverage containers, are called postconsumer waste.B. 3R Campaign in SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo 1. The Motive of the Campaign The campaign of 3Rs instruction execution in SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has some important motives, such asa. SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo initially has a personal cogitation to develop a green troupe in school thru improving the students comprehension of 3R campaign. b. The school management wants to make an eco-activity of teaching and learning process in the school by benefiting no longer unused goods at school, like the former papers, second hand books, and materials trace. c. SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo is perking the new projects up to build eco-friendly constructed buildings in a vacant area, because SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo is universe on a period of developing schools building. d. The stakeholders of the school intend to put 3R slogan into action thru arranging the 3Rs Ap plication prepare Annual Program. e. The citizen of the school has been cognizant that recycling conserves natural resources by reducing the need for new material. Some natural resources are renewable, meaning they can be replaced, and some are not. Paper, corrugated board, and other paper products come from renewable timber sources. Trees harvested to make those products can be replaced by growing more trees. Iron and aluminum come from nonrenewable ore deposits. Once a deposit is mined, it cannot be replaced.2. The Aim of Practicing 3R In the practice of campaigning 3R program, SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has a lot of aims that would be achieved, viz. a. Grooming green society students in the school. b. Putting 3R implementation as an eco-educational culture of the school. This would be expected to give a high-standardized judgement of the surroundings. c. Reducing a lot of second hand belongings and recycling them to be more advantageous goods. d. Keeping the planted-tree areas in e yes, so the school will be a green and eco-friendly place to have a teaching and learning process.3. The Implementations Year by year, SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo always refurbishes various school programs to manikin the school citizens desires out as a part of global innovative society. The programs of which SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has amended, for examplea. Recycling Contest This was an annual contest who involved full classrooms member as the participants. They worked together to make a creative design of former plastics-fabricated thing and put it into a real good. For the encourage imaginings, the school had brought theme Fashionable Clothes last year. Each class was given a duty to send a model who worn the recycled-plastics frock and performed it in front of their friends. This year, the school raised interesting theme up to draw the students for participating, that was Monumental Building. It was out of mind that the students were able to construct staggering varieties, like Eiffel tower, Noahs ship, the statue of Ganesha, Neuschwanstein Castle, mosque, military tank, etc.b. Wall Magazine Competition This competition was initially held in purpose of amending the students creativity in designing reused-trashes. The ring clip was created from trashy papers, dried tree-branches and leaves, shoddy cardboards, etc. Every class had to create a wide wall magazine which took natural materials as the main substance. This natural wall magazine would be displayed in front of each class of which the wall magazine belonged to. This creative idea got superbly high compass from the people outside the school.c. Recycling Plastic As the Main Material Plastic was used in almost either school utensils, but unfortunately plastics are more difficult to recycle than metal, paper, or glass. One arduous problem faced was that the school got some difficulties in recycling plastics by shredding it into flakes and then melting the flakes into pellets. The final decision that had been taken was the school would redraw the plastics on by creating numerous innovative things, such as the resave-able bags, commodious sandals, handicrafts, simple garbage cans, seedling pots, etc., which the entire entities were made from plastic waste.d. Reusing the Organic Trashes The organic trashes, such as dried leaves, branches, roots, etc., were benefitted to be organic fertilizer like compos which were processed well by a modern machine. Besides those tree components, another real reusing process could be observed at the stationery that had been used. For example, the teachers uttered simple instructions to the students for doing the al-Qaedawork given by doing it on the no longer useless paper, like old carton, former paper-packing, scrapped paper, etc.C. Result of the 3R Campaign The result of the 3R campaigns real implementations in SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo gave a lot of benefit for the schools citizen. The result of campaigning 3R slogan for specifically1. The stud ents love planting herbals and houseplants at home and school. Nowadays they are keen on campaigning a grooming green society program thru filling the schools wall magazine with news and recently info near the conservations on environment, updating the postings in social medias about the real fact of our latest earths condition, and incentive the students to conserve school environments by broadening persuasive slogans among the school citizens.2. The school management not long ago has decreed the regulations to give the best intercession to the school environment. It was very useful to realize the schools project.3. The schools citizen is nowadays fond of recycling the school wastes to be expedient goods, especially handicrafts.4. The school environment is cleaner than before. There are lots of mini-parks in every school corner. They are very worthwhile for the students who are yearning for comfortable self-learning.5. There are some student movements that have been created who have main duty as prime mover or activator in treating the continuousness of the green school environs.CHAPTER 3CULMINATIONA. Conclusion From the entire explanations above, we can take some conclusions that is to say 1. Grooming green society in school is very important because it will give lots of advantages to the schools citizen. 2. Our allegiance in treating the stability of the nature depends on how we show a good military capability in growing the natural environment up. 3. SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has tried various endeavors in treating the eco-school surroundings by campaigning 3R slogans enactments that were applied to the students and entire schools citizens. 4. The 3R Application Campaign held by SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has been done effectively and thru the real implementations, it gave natural balance atmosphere in the school. The shool became greener, cooler, and the air was fresher. 5. The 3R Application Campaign in SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo was supported by students move ments who desired to spread the allurements in flourishing environs stability. 6. The crusading movement of 3R slogan applications done by SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo had involved every school students, so it could be precisely concluded that those tangible endeavors were efficacious and thoroughly successful.B. Suggestion For the other parties who have so much desire to take 3R Application Campaign in action like what SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo has applied, it is advisable to them to be exact 1. Practicing 3R slogan one by one. Dont directly apply 3R slogan thoroughly if we consider that we dont be capable to practice it. 2. Seeking for the other parties supports, so we could be easier to take a step forward. 3. Learning the fully environmental eruditions by root, so when we are campaigning about 3R Application, we have comprehended and committed to memorize well everything about go-green movement and environs-treating.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-two
TyrionOn a hill over flavor the kingsroad, a long trestle table of rough-hewn pine had been erected at a lower place an elm direct and covered with a golden cloth. There, beside his pavilion, passkey Tywin in any casek his evening meal with his chief knights and lords banner human beingpower, his great crim intelligence-and-gold standard waving over interrogative from a lofty pike.Tyrion arrived late, saddlesore, and sour, both in addition vividly awargon of how amusing he must look as he waddled up the slope to his sire. The daylights march had been long and tiring. He thought he might get quite drunk tonight. It was twilight, and the air was alive with drifting fireflies.The cooks were serving the meat course five suckle pigs, skin seared and crackling, a different fruit in incessantlyy m bulgeh. The smell make his m let onh water. My pardons, he began, taking his place on the bench beside his uncle.Perhaps Id best centering you with burying our dead, Tyrion, captain Tywin verbalize. If you are as late to battle as you are to table, the fighting will all be d wiz by the period you arrive.Oh, surely you can save me a peasant or two, Father, Tyrion replied. Not too many, I wouldnt want to be greedy. He filled his wine transfuse and watched a serving man carve into the pig. The crisp skin crackled under his knife, and hot juice ran from the meat. It was the loveliest sight Tyrion had contactn in ages.Ser Addams knocked out(p)riders say the wicked host has travel south from the Twins, his bewilder reported as his trencher was filled with slices of pork. Lord Freys levies have joined t sew unitedly. They are carely no much than a days march northeastward of us.Please, Father, Tyrion said. Im roughly to eat.Does the thought of facing the Stark boy unman you, Tyrion? Your brother Jaime would be eager to come to grips with him.Id so starr come to grips with that pig. Robb Stark is non half(prenominal)(prenominal) so tender, and he never smelled as superb.Lord Lefford, the sour bird who had charge of their stores and supplies, leaned forward. I hope your savages do non share your reluctance, else weve wasted our easily firebrand on them.My savages will put your steel to excellent use, my lord, Tyrion replied. When he had told Lefford he demand arms and equip to equip the three cytosine custody Ulf had fetched shoot out of the foothills, you would have thought hed asked the man to turn his virgin daughters over to their pleasure.Lord Lefford f lyricned. I saw that great hairsbreadthy one today, the one who insisted that he must have two battle-axes, the heavy b overleap steel ones with twin crescent blades.Shagga likes to kill with either hand, Tyrion said as a trencher of steaming pork was laid in front of him.He still had that wood-axe of his strapped to his tolerate.Shagga is of the opinion that three axes are even better than two. Tyrion reached a thumb and forefinger into the salt dish, and sprinkle d a healthy pinch over his meat.Ser Kevan leaned forward. We had a thought to put you and your wildlings in the cutting edge when we come to battle.Ser Kevan seldom had a thought that Lord Tywin had non had setoff. Tyrion had skewered a chunk of meat on the point of his dagger and brought it to his mouth. Now he lowered it. The vanguard? he repeated dubiously. Either his lord father had a new respect for Tyrions abilities, or hed immovable to rid himself of his embarrassing get for good. Tyrion had the gloomy feeling he knew which.They seem ferocious enough, Ser Kevan said.Ferocious? Tyrion agnise he was echoing his uncle like a trained bird. His father watched, judging him, weighing every word. Let me tell you how ferocious they are. Last night, a laze Brother stabbed a orchestra pit rejoice over a sausage. So today as we made camp three pock Crows seized the man and open(a) his throat for him. Perhaps they were hoping to get the sausage blanket, I couldnt say. Bronn man aged to keep Shagga from chopping saturnine the dead mans cock, which was fortunate, provided even so Ulf is demanding blood money, which Conn and Shagga refuse to pay.When soldiers lack discipline, the fault lies with their lord see to iter, his father said.His brother Jaime had always been able to make men follow him eagerly, and die for him if admit be. Tyrion lacked that gift. He bought loyalty with gold, and compelled obedience with his phone. A enceinteger man would be able to put the fear in them, is that what youre saying, my lord?Lord Tywin Lannister turned to his brother. If my sons men will not obey his commands, maybe the vanguard is not the place for him. No doubt he would be more than comfortable in the rear, guarding our baggage train.Do me no kindnesses, Father, he said angrily. If you have no other command to dischargeer me, Ill stretch forth your van.Lord Tywin studied his dwarf son. I said nothing about command. You will opt armorial bearing under Se r Gregor.Tyrion took one bite of pork, chewed a moment, and spit it out angrily. I mark I am not hungry after all, he said, rise awkwardly off the bench. Pray excuse me, my lords.Lord Tywin inclined his dubiousness, dismissing him. Tyrion turned and walked away. He was conscious of their eye on his back as he waddled go through with(predicate) the hill. A great gust of laughter went up from behind him, but he did not look back. He hoped they all clotted on their suckling pigs.Dusk had settled, turning all the banners black. The Lannister camp sprawled for miles between the river and the kingsroad. In amongst the men and the one dollar bills and the trees, it was easy to get lost, and Tyrion did. He passed a dozen great pavilions and a hundred cookfires. Fireflies drifted amongst the tents like wandering stars. He caught the scent of garlic sausage, spiced and savory, so tempting it made his empty stomach growl. Away in the distance, he heard voices embossed in more or less b awdy song. A giggling woman raced past him, naked infra a dark cloak, her drunken pursuer stumbling over tree roots. further on, two irradiationmen vitrined each other across a little trickle of a stream, practicing their thrust-and-parry in the fading light, their chests bare and slick with sweat.No one looked at him. No one stave to him. No one paid him any mind. He was surrounded by men sworn to House Lannister, a vast host twenty thousand strong, and to date he was alone.When he heard the deep rumble of Shaggas laughter booming through the dark, he followed it to the Stone Crows in their miserable corner of the night. Conn son of Coratt waved a tankard of ale. Tyrion Halfman Come, sit by our fire, share meat with the Stone Crows. We have an ox.I can see that, Conn son of Coratt. The huge red carcass was suspended over a roaring fire, skewered on a spit the size of a small tree. No doubt it was a small tree. Blood and grease dripped pop feather into the flames as two Stone Crows turned the meat. I thank you. Send for me when the ox is cooked. From the look of it, that might even be before the battle. He walked on.Each clan had its own cookfire Black Ears did not eat with Stone Crows, Stone Crows did not eat with Moon Brothers, and no one ate with Burned Men. The modest tent he had coaxed out of Lord Leffords stores had been erected in the center of the quadruplet fires. Tyrion base Bronn sharing a skin of wine with the new servants. Lord Tywin had sent him a groom and a body servant to see to his needs, and even insisted he take a squire. They were seated virtually the embers of a small cookfire. A girl was with them slim, dark-haired, no more than eighteen by the look of her. Tyrion studied her face for a moment, before he spied fishbones in the ashes. What did you eat?Trout, mlord, said his groom. Bronn caught them.Trout, he thought. Suckling pig. Damn my father. He stared mournfully at the bones, his belly rumbling.His squire, a boy with the un fortunate name of Podrick Payne, swallowed whatever he had been about to say. The lad was a distant cousin to Ser Ilyn Payne, the kings headsman . . . and almost as quiet, although not for want of a tongue. Tyrion had made him stick it out once, just to be certain. Definitely a tongue, he had said. Someday you must learn to use it.At the moment, he did not have the patience to try and coax a thought out of the lad, whom he suspected had been inflicted on him as a cruel jape. Tyrion turned his management back to the girl. Is this her? he asked Bronn.She rose gracefully and looked fine-tune at him from the lofty height of five feet or more. It is, mlord, and she can speak for herself, if it please you.He cocked his head to one side. I am Tyrion, of House Lannister. Men call me the Imp.My mother named me Shae. Men call me . . . often.Bronn laughed, and Tyrion had to smile. Into the tent, Shae, if you would be so kind. He lifted the flap and held it for her. Inside, he knelt to light a candle.The life of a soldier was not without certain compensations. Wherever you have a camp, you are certain to have camp followers. At the end of the days march, Tyrion had sent Bronn back to find him a likely whore. I would prefer one who is reasonably young, with as pretty a face as you can find, he had said. If she has washed some meter this year, I shall be glad. If she hasnt, wash her. Be certain that you tell her who I am, and warn her of what I am. Jyck had not always troubled to do that. There was a look the girls got in their eyes sometimes when they first beheld the lordling theyd been hired to pleasure . . . a took that Tyrion Lannister did not ever care to see again.He lifted the candle and looked her over. Bronn had done well enough she was doe-eyed and slim, with small firm breasts and a smile that was by turns shy, insolent, and wicked. He liked that. Shall I take my gown off, mlord? she asked.In good time. Are you a maiden, Shae?If it please you, mlord, she said demurely.What would please me would be the truth of you, girl.Aye, but that will cost you double.Tyrion decided they would get along splendidly. I am a Lannister. Gold I have in plenty, and youll find me generous . . . but Ill want more from you than what youve got between your legs, though Ill want that too. Youll share my tent, pour my wine, laugh at my jests, rub the ache from my legs after each days ride . . . and whether I keep you a day or a year, for so long as we are together you will take no other men into your bed.Fair enough. She reached follow through to the hem of her thin roughspun gown and pulled it up over her head in one smooth motion, tossing it aside. There was nothing underneath but Shae. If he dont put down that candle, mlord will burn his fingers.Tyrion put down the candle, took her hand in his, and pulled her gently to him. She bent to kiss him. Her mouth tasted of honey and cloves, and her fingers were deft and practiced as they arrange the fastenings of hi s clothes.When he entered her, she welcomed him with whispered endearments and small, shuddering gasps of pleasure. Tyrion suspected her delight was affect, but she did it so well that it did not matter. That much truth he did not crave.He had needed her, Tyrion realized afterward, as she lay quietly in his arms. Her or someone like her. It had been nigh on a year since hed lain with a woman, since before he had set out for Winterfell in company with his brother and King Robert. He could well die on the morrow or the day after, and if he did, he would preferably go to his grave thinking of Shae than of his lord father, Lysa Arryn, or the Lady Catelyn Stark.He could feel the softness of her breasts pressed against his arm as she lay beside him. That was a good feeling. A song filled his head. Softly, quietly, he began to whistle.Whats that, mlord? Shae murmured against him.Nothing, he told her. A song I learned as a boy, thats all. Go to sleep, sweetling.When her eyes were closed a nd her active deep and steady, Tyrion slid out from beneath her, gently, so as not to disturb her sleep. Naked, he crawled outside, stepped over his squire, and walked around behind his tent to make water.Bronn was seated cross-legged under a chestnut tree, near where theyd tied the horses. He was honing the edge of his brand, wide awake the sellsword did not seem to sleep like other men. Where did you find her? Tyrion asked him as he pissed.I took her from a knight. The man was loath to give her up, but your name changed his thinking somewhat . . . that, and my dirk at his throat.Splendid, Tyrion said dryly, shaking off the last drops. I seem to recall saying find me a whore, not make me an enemy.The pretty ones were all claimed, Bronn said. Ill be pleased to take her back if youd prefer a toothless drab.Tyrion limped closer to where he sat. My lord father would call that insolence, and send you to the mines for impertinence.Good for me youre not your father, Bronn replied. I saw one with boils all over her nose. Would you like her?What, and break your heart? Tyrion shot back. I shall keep Shae. Did you perchance note the name of this knight you took her from? Id rather not have him beside me in the battle.Bronn rose, cat-quick and cat-graceful, turning his sword in his hand. Youll have me beside you in the battle, dwarf.Tyrion nodded. The night air was warm on his bare skin. See that I survive this battle, and you can name your reward.Bronn tossed the longsword from his compensate hand to his left, and tried a cut. Whod want to kill the likes of you?My lord father, for one. Hes put me in the van.Id do the same. A small man with a big racing shell. Youll give the archers fits.I find you oddly cheering, Tyrion said. I must be mad.Bronn sheathed his sword. Beyond a doubt.When Tyrion returned to his tent, Shae rolled onto her elbow and murmured sleepily, I woke and mlord was gone. Mlord is back now. He slid in beside her.Her hand went between his stunted leg s, and found him hard. Yes he is, she whispered, stroking him.He asked her about the man Bronn had taken her from, and she named the minor retainer of an insignificant lordling. You need not fear his like, mlord, the girl said, her fingers busy at his cock. He is a small man.And what am I, pray? Tyrion asked her. A giant?Oh, yes, she purred, my giant of Lannister. She maturateed him then, and for a time, she almost made him believe it. Tyrion went to sleep smiling . . .. . . and woke in darkness to the blare of trumpets. Shae was shaking him by the shoulder. Mlord, she whispered. Wake up, mlord. Im frightened.Groggy, he sat up and threw back the blanket. The horns called through the night, wild and urgent, a cry that said hurry hurry hurry. He heard shouts, the clatter of fishgigs, the whicker of horses, though nothing yet that spoke to him of fighting. My lord fathers trumpets, he said. Battle assembly. I thought Stark was yet a days march away.Shae shook her head, lost. Her eyes were wide and white.Groaning, Tyrion lurched to his feet and pushed his way outside, shouting for his squire. Wisps of scout shock drifted through the night, long white fingers off the river. Men and horses blundered through the predawn chill saddles were being cinched, wagons loaded, fires extinguished. The trumpets blew again hurry hurry hurry. Knights vaulted onto let loose coursers while men-at-arms buckled their sword belts as they ran. When he found Pod, the boy was snoring softly. Tyrion gave him a sharp poke in the ribs with his toe. My armor, he said, and be quick about it. Bronn came trotting out of the mists, already armored and ahorse, wearing his battered halfhelm. Do you hold out whats happened? Tyrion asked him.The Stark boy stole a march on us, Bronn said. He crept down the kingsroad in the night, and now his host is less than a mile north of here, forming up in battle array.Hurry, the trumpets called, hurry hurry hurry.See that the clansmen are ready to ride. T yrion ducked back inside his tent. Where are my clothes? he barked at Shae. There. No, the leather, damn it. Yes. Bring me my boots.By the time he was dressed, his squire had laid out his armor, such that it was. Tyrion owned a fine suit of heavy plate, expertly crafted to fit his misshapen body. Alas, it was safe at Casterly Rock, and he was not. He had to make do with oddments assembled from Lord Leffords wagons mail hauberk and coif, a dead knights gorget, lobstered greaves and gauntlets and pointed steel boots. Some of it was flowery, some plain not a bit of it matched, or fit as it should. His breastplate was meant for a bigger man for his oversize head, they found a huge bucket-shaped greathelm topped with a foot-long triangular spike.Shae service of processed Pod with the buckles and clasps. If I die, weep for me, Tyrion told the whore.How will you know? Youll be dead.Ill know.I believe you would. Shae lowered the greathelm down over his head, and Pod fastened it to his gorg et. Tyrion buckled on his belt, heavy with the weight of shortsword and dirk. By then his groom had brought up his mount, a formidable brown courser armored as heavily as he was. He needed help to mount he felt as though he weighed a thousand stone. Pod handed him up his shelter, a massive slab of heavy ironwood tree banded with steel. Lastly they gave him his battle-axe. Shae stepped back and looked him over. Mlord looks fearsome.Mlord looks a dwarf in mismatched armor, Tyrion answered sourly, but I thank you for the kindness. Podrick, should the battle go against us, see the lady safely home. He saluted her with his axe, wheeled his horse about, and trotted off. His stomach was a hard knot, so tight it pained him. Behind, his servants hurriedly began to strike his tent. Pale crimson fingers fanned out to the east as the first rays of the sun broke over the horizon. The western flick was a deep purple, speckled with stars. Tyrion wondered whether this was the last sunrise he woul d ever see . . . and whether wondering was a mark of cowardice. Did his brother Jaime ever contemplate death before a battle?A warhorn sounded in the far distance, a deep mournful note that chilled the soul. The clansmen climbed onto their scrawny mountain horses, shouting curses and rude jokes. Several appeared to be drunk. The acclivitous sun was burning off the drifting tendrils of fog as Tyrion led them off. What grass the horses had left was heavy with dew, as if some passing god had scattered a bag of diamonds over the earth. The mountain men fell in behind him, each clan arrayed behind its own leaders.In the dawn light, the army of Lord Tywin Lannister unfolded like an iron rose, thorns gleaming.His uncle would lead the center. Ser Kevan had raised his standards above the kingsroad. Quivers hanging from their belts, the foot archers arrayed themselves into three long lines, to east and west of the road, and stood calmly stringing their bows. Between them, pikemen formed squa res behind were rank on rank of men-at-arms with spear and sword and axe. Three hundred heavy horse surrounded Ser Kevan and the lords bannermen Lefford, Lydden, and Serrett with all their sworn retainers.The right wing was all cavalry, some four thousand men, heavy with the weight of their armor. More than three quarters of the knights were there, massed together like a great steel fist. Ser Addam Marbrand had the command. Tyrion saw his banner unfurl as his standardbearer shook it out a burning tree, orange and smoke. Behind him flew Ser Flements purple unicorn, the brindled boar of Crakehall, the bantam rooster of Swyft, and more.His lord father took his place on the hill where he had slept. Around him, the reserve assembled a huge force, half mounted and half foot, five thousand strong. Lord Tywin almost always chose to command the reserve he would take the high ground and watch the battle unfold below him, committing his forces when and where they were needed most.Even from afa r, his lord father was resplendent. Tywin Lannisters battle armor put his son Jaimes gilded suit to shame. His greatcloak was sewn from countless layers of cloth-of-gold, so heavy that it barely stirred even when he charged, so round that its winding-clothes covered most of his s pontificalions hindquarters when he took the saddle. No ordinary clasp would suffice for such a weight, so the greatcloak was held in place by a matched pair of miniature lionesses crouching on his shoulders, as if poised to spring. Their mate, a male with a magnificent mane, reclined atop Lord Tywins greathelm, one paw raking the air as he roared. All three lions were wrought in gold, with ruby eyes. His armor was heavy steel plate, enameled in a dark crimson, greaves and gauntlets inlaid with ornate gold scrollwork. His rondels were golden sunbursts, all his fastenings were gilded, and the red steel was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like fire in the light of the rising sun.Tyrion could he ar the rumble of the foemens drums now. He remembered Robb Stark as he had last seen him, in his fathers high seat in the Great Hall of Winterfell, a sword naked and shining in his hands. He remembered how the direwolves had come at him out of the shadows, and suddenly he could see them again, snarling and snapping, teeth bared in his face. Would the boy subscribe to his wolves to war with him? The thought made him uneasy.The northerners would be exhausted after their long sleepless march. Tyrion wondered what the boy had been thinking. Did he think to take them unawares while they slept? weakened chance of that whatever else might be said of him, Tywin Lannister was no mans fool.The van was massing on the left. He saw the standard first, three black dogs on a yellow field. Ser Gregor sat beneath it, mounted on the biggest horse Tyrion had ever seen. Bronn took one look at him and grinned. Always follow a big man into battle.Tyrion threw him a hard look. And why is that?They make such splendid targets. That one, hell draw the eyes of every bowman on the field.Laughing, Tyrion regarded the Mountain with fresh eyes. I confess, I had not considered it in that light.Clegane had no splendor about him his armor was steel plate, dull grey, scarred by hard use and showing neither sigil nor ornament. He was pointing men into position with his blade, a two-handed greatsword that Ser Gregor waved about with one hand as a lesser man might wave a dagger. whatsoever man runs, Ill cut him down myself, he was roaring when he caught sight of Tyrion. Imp Take the left. Hold the river. If you can.The left of the left. To turn their flank, the Starks would need horses that could run on water. Tyrion led his men toward the riverbank. Look, he shouted, pointing with his axe. The river. A blanket of pale mist still clung to the surface of the water, the murky green current swirling past underneath. The shallows were muddy and choked with reeds. That river is ours. Whatever happen s, keep close to the water. Never lose sight of it. Let no enemy come between us and our river. If they dirty our waters, hack off their cocks and feed them to the fishes.Shagga had an axe in either hand. He smashed them together and made them ring. Halfman he shouted. Other Stone Crows picked up the cry, and the Black Ears and Moon Brothers as well. The Burned Men did not shout, but they rattled their swords and spears. Halfman Halfman HalfmanTyrion turned his courser in a circle to look over the field. The ground was rolling and jagged here soft and muddy near the river, rising in a gentle slope toward the kingsroad, stony and broken beyond it, to the cast. A few trees spotty the hillsides, but most of the land had been cleared and planted. His heart pounded in his chest in time to the drums, and under his layers of leather and steel his brow was cold with sweat. He watched Ser Gregor as the Mountain rode up and down the line, shouting and gesticulating. This wing too was all ca valry, but where the right was a mailed fist of knights and heavy lancers, the vanguard was made up of the sweepings of the west mounted archers in leather jerkins, a swarming mass of undisciplined freeriders and sellswords, fieldhands on plow horses armed with scythes and their fathers rusted swords, half-trained boys from the stews of Lannisport . . . and Tyrion and his mountain clansmen.Crow food, Bronn muttered beside him, giving voice to what Tyrion had left unsaid. He could only nod. Had his lord father taken leave of his senses? No pikes, too few bowmen, a bare fistful of knights, the ill-armed and unarmored, commanded by an unthinking brute who led with his rage . . . how could his father expect this travesty of a battle to hold his left?He had no time to think about it. The drums were so near that the beat crept under his skin and set his hands to twitching. Bronn drew his longsword, and suddenly the enemy was there before them, boiling over the tops of the hills, advanci ng with measured tread behind a wall of shields and pikes.Gods be damned, look at them all, Tyrion thought, though he knew his father had more men on the field. Their captains led them on armored warhorses, standard-bearers riding alongside with their banners. He glimpsed the bull moose of the Hornwoods, the Karstark sunburst, Lord Cerwyns battle-axe, and the mailed fist of the Glovers . . . and the twin towers of Frey, unconsolable on grey. So much for his fathers certainty that Lord Walder would not bestir himself. The white of House Stark was seen everywhere, the grey direwolves seeming to run and leap as the banners swirled and streamed from the high staffs. Where is the boy? Tyrion wondered.A warhorn blew. Haroooooooooooooooooooooooo, it cried, its voice as long and low and chilling as a cold wind from the north. The Lannister trumpets answered, da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAAAA, brazen and defiant, yet it seemed to Tyrion that they sounded somehow smaller, more anxious. He could feel a fluttering in his bowels, a queasy liquid feeling he hoped he was not pass to die sick.As the horns died away, a hissing filled the air a vast shoot of arrows arched up from his right, where the archers stood flanking the road. The northerners broke into a run, shouting as they came, but the Lannister arrows fell on them like hail, hundreds of arrows, thousands, and shouts turned to screams as men stumbled and went down. By then a second flight was in the air, and the archers were fitting a third arrow to their bowstrings.The trumpets blared again, da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA. Ser Gregor waved his huge sword and bellowed a command, and a thousand other voices screamed back at him. Tyrion put his spurs to his horse and added one more voice to the cacophony, and the van surged forward. The river he shouted at his clansmen as they rode. Remember, hew to the river. He was still leading when they broke a canter, until Chella gave a bloodcurdling call and galloped past h im, and Shagga howled and followed. The clansmen charged after them, leaving Tyrion in their dust.A crescent of enemy spearmen had formed ahead, a double hedgehog bristling with steel, waiting behind tall oaken shields marked with the sunburst of Karstark. Gregor Clegane was the first to reach them, leading a wedge of armored veterans. Half the horses shied at the last second, breaking their charge before the row of spears. The others died, sharp steel points ripping through their chests. Tyrion saw a dozen men go down. The Mountains stallion reared, lashing out with iron-shod hooves as a nipping spearhead raked across his neck. Maddened, the beast lunged into the ranks. Spears thrust at him from every side, but the shield wall broke beneath his weight. The northerners stumbled away from the animals death throes. As his horse fell, snorting blood and biting with his last red breath, the Mountain rose untouched, laying about him with his two-handed greatsword.Shagga went bursting th rough the gap before the shields could close, other Stone Crows hard behind him. Tyrion shouted, Burned Men Moon Brothers After me but most of them were ahead of him. He glimpsed Timett son of Timett vault free as his mount died under him in full stride, saw a Moon Brother impaled on a Karstark spear, watched Conns horse shatter a mans ribs with a kick. A flight of arrows descended on them where they came from he could not say, but they fell on Stark and Lannister alike, rattling off armor or finding flesh. Tyrion lifted his shield and hid beneath it.The hedgehog was crumbling, the northerners reeling back under the impact of the mounted assault. Tyrion saw Shagga catch a spearman full in the chest as the fool came on at a run, saw his axe shear through mail and leather and muscle and lungs. The man was dead on his feet, the axehead lodged in his breast, yet Shagga rode on, cleaving a shield in two with his left-hand battle-axe while the corpse was bouncing and stumbling bonelessly along on his right. Finally the dead man slid off. Shagga smashed the two axes together and roared.By then the enemy was on him, and Tyrions battle shrunk to the few feet of ground around his horse. A man-at-arms thrust at his chest and his axe lashed out, knocking the spear aside. The man danced back for another try, but Tyrion spurred his horse and rode right over him. Bronn was surrounded by three foes, but he lopped the head off the first spear that came at him, and raked his blade across a second mans face on his backslash.A thrown spear came acheling at Tyrion from the left and lodged in his shield with a woody chunk. He wheeled and raced after the thrower, but the man raised his own shield over his head. Tyrion circled around him, raining axe blows down on the wood. Chips of oak went flying, until the northerner lost his feet and slipped, failing flat on his back with his shield on top of him. He was below the reach of Tyrions axe and it was too much bother to dismount, so h e left him there and rode after another man, taking him from behind with a sweeping downcut that sent a jar of impact up his arm. That won him a moments respite. Reining up, he looked for the river. There it was, off to the right. Somehow he had gotten turned around.A Burned Man rode past, slumped against his horse. A spear had entered his belly and come out through his back. He was past any help, but when Tyrion saw one of the northerners run up and make a get for his reins, he charged.His quarry met him sword in hand. He was tall and spare, wearing a long chainmail hauberk and gauntlets of lobstered steel, but hed lost his helm and blood ran down into his eyes from a gash across his forehead. Tyrion aimed a swipe at his face, but the tall man slammed it aside. Dwarf, he screamed. lead. He turned in a circle as Tyrion rode around him, hacking at his head and shoulders. Steel rang on steel, and Tyrion soon realized that the tall man was quicker and stronger than he was. Where in the 7 hells was Bronn? Die, the man grunted, chopping at him savagely. Tyrion barely got his shield up in time, and the wood seemed to explode inward under the force of the blow. The shattered pieces fell away from his arm. Die the swordsman bellowed, shoving in close and whanging Tyrion across the temple so hard his head rang. The blade made a hideous scraping sound as he drew it back over the steel. The tall man grinned . . . until Tyrions destrier bit, quick as a snake, laying his cheek bare to the bone. Then he screamed. Tyrion buried his axe in his head. You die, he told him, and he did.As he wrenched the blade free, he heard a shout. Eddard a voice rang out. For Eddard and Winterfell The knight came thundering down on him, swinging the spiked ball of a morningstar around his head. Their warhorses slammed together before Tyrion could so much as open his mouth to shout for Bronn. His right elbow exploded with pain as the spikes punched through the thin metal around the joint. H is axe was gone, as fast as that. He clawed for his sword, but the morningstar was circling again, coming at his face. A sickening crunch, and he was falling. He did not recall hitting the ground, but when he looked up there was only sky above him. He rolled onto his side and tried to find his feet, but pain shuddered through him and the world throbbed. The knight who had felled him drew up above him. Tyrion the Imp, he boomed down. You are mine. Do you outlet, Lannister?Yes, Tyrion thought, but the word caught in his throat. He made a croaking sound and fought his way to his knees, fumbling for a weapon. His sword, his dirk, anything . . .Do you yield? The knight loomed overhead on his armored warhorse. Man and horse both seemed immense. The spiked ball swung in a lazy circle. Tyrions hands were numb, his vision blurred, his scabbard empty. buckle under or die, the knight declared, his flail whirling faster and faster.Tyrion lurched to his feet, driving his head into the horses b elly. The animal gave a hideous scream and reared. It tried to twist away from the agony, a shower of blood and viscera poured down over Tyrions face, and the horse fell like an avalanche. The next he knew, his visor was packed with mud and something was crushing his foot. He wriggled free, his throat so tight he could scarce talk. . . . yield . . . he managed to croak faintly.Yes, a voice moaned, thick with pain.Tyrion scraped the mud off his helm so he could see again. The horse had fallen away from him, onto its rider. The knights leg was trapped, the arm hed used to break his fall twisted at a grotesque angle. Yield, he repeated. Fumbling at his belt with his good hand, he drew a sword and flung it at Tyrions feet. I yield, my lord.Dazed, the dwarf knelt and lifted the blade. Pain hammered through his elbow when he moved his arm. The battle seemed to have moved beyond him. No one remained on his part of the field save a large number of corpses. Ravens were already circling and landing to feed. He saw that Ser Kevan had brought up his center in support of the van his huge mass of pikemen had pushed the northerners back against the hills. They were struggling on the slopes, pikes thrusting against another wall of shields, these oval and reinforced with iron studs. As he watched, the air filled with arrows again, and the men behind the oak wall crumbled beneath the murderous fire. I believe you are losing, ser, he told the knight under the horse. The man made no reply.The sound of hooves coming up behind him made him whirl, though he could scarcely lift the sword he held for the agony in his elbow. Brorm reined up and looked down on him.Small use you turned out to be, Tyrion told him.It would seem you did well enough on your own, Bronn answered. Youve lost the spike off your helm, though.Tyrion groped at the top of the greathelm. The spike had snapped off clean. I havent lost it. I know just where it is. Do you see my horse?By the time they found it, the tr umpets had sounded again and Lord Tywins reserve came sweeping up along the river. Tyrion watched his father fly past, the crimson-and-gold banner of Lannister rippling over his head as he thundered across the field. Five hundred knights surrounded him, sunlight flashing off the points of their lances. The remnants of the Stark lines shattered like glass beneath the hammer of their charge.With his elbow swollen and throbbing inside his armor, Tyrion made no attempt to join the slaughter. He and Bronn went looking for his men. Many he found among the dead. Ulf son of Umar lay in a pool of congealing blood, his arm gone at the elbow, a dozen of his Moon Brothers sprawled around him. Shagga was slumped beneath a tree, riddled with arrows, Conns head in his lap. Tyrion thought they were both dead, but as he dismounted, Shagga opened his eyes and said, They have killed Conn son of Coratt. Handsome Conn had no mark but for the red stain over his breast, where the spear thrust had killed h im. When Bronn pulled Shagga to his feet, the big man seemed to notice the arrows for the first time. He plucked them out one by one, cursing the holes they had made in his layers of mail and leather, and yowling like a babe at the few that had buried themselves in his flesh. Chella daughter of Cheyk rode up as they were yanking arrows out of Shagga, and showed them four ears she had taken. Timett they discovered looting the bodies of the slain with his Burned Men. Of the three hundred clansmen who had ridden to battle behind Tyrion Lannister, perhaps half had survived.He left the living to look after the dead, sent Bronn to take charge of his captive knight, and went alone in search of his father. Lord Tywin was seated by the river, sipping wine from a jeweled cup as his squire undid the fastenings on his breastplate. A fine victory, Ser Kevan said when he saw Tyrion. Your wild men fought well.His fathers eyes were on him, pale green flecked with gold, so cool they gave Tyrion a ch ill. Did that surprise you, Father? he asked. Did it upset your plans? We were supposed to be butchered, were we not?Lord Tywin drained his cup, his face expressionless. I put the least disciplined men on the left, yes. I anticipated that they would break. Robb Stark is a green boy, more like to be brave than wise. Id hoped that if he saw our left collapse, he might plunge into the gap, eager for a rout. Once he was fully committed, Ser Kevans pikes would wheel and take him in the flank, driving him into the river while I brought up the reserve.And you thought it best to place me in the midst of this carnage, yet keep me ignorant of your plans.A feigned rout is less convincing, his father said, and I am not inclined to trust my plans to a man who consorts with sellswords and savages.A pity my savages ruined your dance. Tyrion pulled off his steel gauntlet and let it fall to the ground, wincing at the pain that stabbed up his arm.The Stark boy proved more cautious than I expected for one of his years, Lord Tywin admitted, but a victory is a victory. You appear to be wounded.Tyrions right arm was soaked with blood. Good of you to notice, Father, he said through clenched teeth. might I trouble you to send for your maesters? Unless you relish the notion of having a one-armed dwarf for a son . . . An urgent shout of Lord Tywin turned his fathers head before he could reply. Tywin Lannister rose to his feet as Ser Addam Marbrand leapt down off his courser. The horse was lathered and bleeding from the mouth. Ser Addam dropped to one knee, a rangy man with dark copper hair that fell to his shoulders, armored in burnished bronzed steel with the fiery tree of his House etched black on his breastplate. My liege, we have taken some of their commanders. Lord Cerwyn, Ser Wylis Manderly, Harrion Karstark, four Freys. Lord Hornwood is dead, and I fear Roose Bolton has escaped us.And the boy? Lord Tywin asked.Ser Addam hesitated. The Stark boy was not with them, my lord. They say he crossed at the Twins with the great part of his horse, riding hard for Riverrun.A green boy, Tyrion remembered, more like to be brave than wise. He would have laughed, if he hadnt hurt so much.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Insomnia and Dreaming
For the occurrence of dreams, an uninterrupted period of eternal eternal sleep is needed. So if the quality of sleep declines, the dream draw back frequency depart decline as well. As experiments shown us, people of mood disorder and depression constitute a reduced dream recall frequency. Also people having Apnea and increase daytime sleepiness, CNS and PLM will have the same results which are a decline of sleep quality and a reduced dream recall frequency. Insomnia is the approximately frequent, it is considered as a symptom and it is a subjective dissatisfaction with sleep, also difficulty with sleep initiation and sleep maintenance.The stages may look like this, increased sleep latency, increased awakenings and arousals, decreased sleep efficiency, increased time of wake after sleep onset, decreased total sleep time, decreased rapid eye effect sleep (REMS) and decreased deep sleep in stages 3 and 4. A study on 289 people have showed over a 6 year period in the life of the e xperiment, that there is a comparison between individuals reporting insomnia to those reporting no insomnia. Those reporting were 141 and those none reporting were 148 individual. The only struggle was in the nightmare recall frequency that was found high in the insomnia group.Also this finding took into consideration people taking medications and those who were not taking each sort of medication inside the reporting insomnia group. A decrease in dream recall was shown a decline in dream recall is put down with disordered sleep. Those with sleep latency more than 30 minutes reported a decline in dream recall. As for sleep effiency the groups with a higher percentage (85%) had more dream recall frequency than others. Individuals with a WASO (wake after sleep onset), of higher than 60 minutes had a lower dream recall than others.Also stages 3 and 4 showed a significant decline for the group reporting insomnia. As a result, people with 360 minutes of continuous sleep have an increa sed nightmare and dream recall. As a conclusion, dreaming requires a minimum quality of continuous sleep. People reporting insomnia has lower levels of dream and nightmare recalls. I can not say that I had a personal experience in insomnia. But surely I saw close people in my family having this problem. When I used to live in my grandparents house, I used to notice how my uncle would wake up in the middle of the night after slept for a maximum of an hour.He used to walk around the house for a while, than take out his collection games that he used to build and try to influence them. He would do this for a couple of hours before returning to bed. I might say that I noticed how he would wake up in a bad mood. Also when he was asked to remember certain events and details it would take him a while. I think his changeable mood as a result of sleeping for a very limited number of hours may have affected his way of thinking. Also I noticed how he would sleep for several hours during the da y to compensate the lost sleepless nights.As a direct effect, my uncle started taking bad decisions in his field of work and was finally talk over to see a physician. These days after seeing the difference I realized that I was right in describing his insomnia at the time. Reference Pagel, J. F. 1,3 Shocknesse, Shannon 2 (1)University of conscientious objector School of Medicine and Director, Sleep Disorders Center of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Colorado (2)Rocky Mountain Sleep, Pueblo, Colorado Dreaming and Insomnia Polysomnographic Correlates of Reported Dream Recall Frequency. Article Dreaming. 17(3)140-151, September 2007.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Business Forms Worksheet Essay
There are seven forms of parentage touch on proprietorship, confederation, ensnareed indebtedness alliance, limited obligation compevery (including the unmarried member LLC), S gage, Franchise, and mint.1. Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for each credit line form.2. Provide a 100- to 200-word summary in which you provide an example business that you would shekels for each form. What is legally necessary to accuse in order to form that business? Discuss at least one of the advantages and one of the disadvantages of that form. re resole ProprietorshipAdvantages1. Income assesses2. Continuity of business3. Control of businessDisadvantages1. Liability2. Closure of business3. difficulty raising capitalSummarySole priprietors are non that difficult to set up and maintain. For example, if individual were to start up a photography or salon business, then they are considered to be a sole proprietor. Being a sole proprietor means that you do not cede to pay a supplier or default on any debts, tho creditors may take the sole proprietors mortal possessions. Sole proprietors mustiness report any and all business income or losses on their income tax return on the IRS form 1040 with a Schedule C attachment. Most cities require that a sole proprietor memorialize the business.Once they do this, the mortal will receive a business license or tax registration certificate. As a sole proprietor, control of business is important because that person does not have to follow the rules or regulations someone else has put out. They are fitting to charge prices they see fit and dissolve set their own hours. Difficulty raising capital can be a burden for most sole proprietors who want to set up shop. It can cost a whole amount of money to lease space and purchase equipment. Without proper equipment, the business could have difficulty bringing in customers.PartnershipAdvantages1. Easy to establish partnership2. More creative brainstormi ng3. More complimentary skillsDisadvantages1. Liable for other partners actions2. Shared profits3. limit life on partnershipSummaryA partnership consists of two or more people owning a single business. Each partner contributes their share into the business covering areas such as repulse and skill, property, and money. Take a restaurant for example. all(prenominal) decisions are made together including any issues, profits, or change of ownership. A partnership can be easy, but expensive. All profits must be shared equally since the partners are equally invested in the success of the restaurant. Some forms that are required of a partnership are Schedule K-1 since they are not considered employees, but partners. For tax purposes, partners must fill out additional taxes such as income tax, self-employment tax, and estimated tax. A partnership ask to register with the IRS as well as state and local revenue agencies that will help with obtaining permits and tax ID numbers. It is easy to establish and partnership since usually it is with someone that person trusts in all aspects, but the issues may arise causing a limited life on the partnership.Limited Liability PartnershipAdvantages1. tractability2. Liability protection3. Tax advantagesDisadvantages1. Death of partner2. Partners not consulting3. Money and property becomes owned by partnershipSummaryA limited liability partnership consists of each partner having protection to a lower place personal liability. The LLP is not a separate entity for tax purposes, but profits and losses are inform on each partners tax return. Because this is a partnership, each partner has equal rights in the management. What is bully about a limited liability partnership is the flexibility. Flexibility allows the partner to have a certain type of control over the environment. Partners who do not consult each other can have issues in the future. This could lead to the closure of the company or a forming of a new partnership. To s tart a limited liability partnership, partners must register and submit it to the Secretary of State along with the required fees. A Limited Liability Partnership Alternative Security Provision transmittal form must be filed as well. Once these documents are approved, the Secretary of State will return stamped copies of the forms as well as a Certificate of Registration to the partnership.Limited Liability Company, (including the single member LLC)Advantages1. Freedom in management2. Limitless ownership3. Pass-through taxationDisadvantages1. Taxation2. Building capital3. Government regulationsSummaryA limited liability company consists of a single owner, or sometimes more than one owner, and are not taxed as separate business entities. All profits and losses pass through the business to those who own the company. Owners must report profits and losses on their personal tax return file as a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. If the LLC is ran by a single owner, they fil e a 1040 Schedule C form as a sole proprietor. Partners file a 1065 form consisting of a partnership, and a form 1120 is filed if the LLC is filing as a corporation.The LLC must be registered such as the State Corporation Commission, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, or the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. The great thing about an LLC is that the owner has freedom in management. The owner is able to run the organization as they see fit not answering to anyone, but there are government regulations they must follow that can block some of that freedom.S CorporationAdvantages1. Protected assets2. Straightforward transfer of ownership3. Tax CreditsDisadvantages1. Restrictions on inventorying ownership2. Tax qualification obligations3. adjacent IRS scrutinySummaryAn S Corporation is an eligible domestic corporation that is able to avoid double taxation. Usually the corporation and shareholders are both taxed under a corporation, so S corporation avoids the extra taxation. The organization is not considered an S corp until it is qualified under IRS stipulations. The business is not taxed itself, but shareholders are taxed. The S Corp must register with the IRS, state, and local revenue agencies that provide permits and tax ID numbers. Depending on the state, all S corps are not taxed equally. To file as an S Corp, you must file as a corporation and have shareholders file a 2553 form to see if the corporation qualifies. In an S Corp, tax credits are a valuable advantage because only the wages of an employee who is a shareholder go into employment tax. The disadvantage of S Corp is that the IRS keeps close tabs on all tax filings.FranchiseAdvantages1. Increases chances of business success2. Provides establishes products from widespread brand name recognition3. Provides franchisee independence to operate their own businessDisadvantages1. Franchisee must comply with franchisor on procedures and res trictions2. Franchisee must pay advertising fees and ongoing royalties3. Limited franchise agreementSummarySomeone who owns a franchise is unforced to take on a business, but under the franchisers rules and regulations. The franchiser provides the type of services, site selection, training, products, and marketing plans that willallow the franchisee to run the location under this guidance. Franchisees provide the start up costs as well as the money for day-to-day operations.Types of forms that are used in franchises include a UFOC, franchise agreement, owners agreement, development agreement, and subfranchise agreement. What is great about owning a franchise is that the business owner increases their chance of becoming successful. Some franchises do well, while others perform not so well which could limit the owners franchise agreement.CorporationAdvantages1. Stock markets can help raise capital2. Transfer of ownership to person with highest share certificates3. Owners contribution , regarding liability, is at bet on rather than personal assetsDisadvantages1. Requires central regulatory authority and listing on stock exchange2. Board of directors3. Double taxationSummaryA corporation consists of many tasks for start up. The business needs to comply with state corporation rules. Directors need to be appointed as well as the many forms alter out. Some of these forms include articles of incorporation along with filing fees that are required. By laws need to be completed as well as issuing stock certificates to the shareholders. Afterthis, obtaining licences and permits for the business is prudent. This includes filling out form 2553 to obtain Tax ID numbers from the IRS. A permit from the state is required depending on the state. The advantage corporations have is that the shareholder with the most share certificates becomes the next owner if someone were to step down or pass away. A disadvantage is the double taxation. Taxation not only includes the business, but the shareholders as well.
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