Monday, October 21, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Salir
Using the Spanish Verb Salir Although salir is a very common verb that means to leave in the sense of to depart or to go out, it also has a variety of other meanings that may not immediately be obvious. Fast Facts Salir is a common verb that most often means to leave or to exit.In some contexts, salir can have other meanings that generally refer to the change in status, appearance, or location of someone or something as the result of an action.Salir is conjugated irregularly. Salir Meaning 'To Leave' Here are some examples of sentences with salirs most common meaning: Los Cubs salieron de Los ngeles con una victoria. (The Cubs left Los Angeles with a victory.) ¿Cundo saliste por primera vez de tu casa con tu bebà ©? (When did you leave home for the first time with your baby?)Mi avià ³n sale a las nueve con destino a Tijuana. (My plane leaves at 9 for Tijuana.)Voy a salir a comprar leche. (Im going out to buy milk.)Propongo que salgamos a la calle a celebrar el campeonato. (I suggest we go out to the street to celebrate the championship.)Saldrà © muy motivado pero sà © que no ser fcil. (I will leave very motivated, but I know it wont be easy.) Salir With Other Meanings Here are some other meanings of salir with sample sentences: to turn out: Me salià ³ bien la prueba. (The quiz turned out well for me.) Salà enoja en la foto. (I turned out looking angry in the photo.)to appear (often said of a bodily condition): Me sale pus de los pendientes. (Im getting pus from my earrings.) Si lo tocas te saldr urticaria. (If you touch it youll break out in hives.)to rise (said of astronomical bodies): El sol sale hoy a las 7:12. (The sun rises today at 7:12.)to be published or disseminated: Estaba viendo el televisor cuando salià ³ las noticias de lo que habà a pasado en Nueva York. (I was watching the television when they told the news of what had happened in New York.) El libro salià ³ a la venta en los primeros dà as de noviembre. (The book went on sale in the first days of November.) In a negative form with an indirect object, salir can indicate the inability to accomplish something: No le salià ³ como esperaba. (It didnt turn out as he hoped.) No me sale este problemita de distancia entre 2 puntos. (I cant figure out this simple problem about the distance between two points.) In the reflexive form, salirse sometimes refers to some type of overflowing or leak: Pese a que hace seis meses se crearon las nuevas canalizaciones, el agua se salà a inundando las calles. (Despite it being six months since the new pipes were installed, the water leaked, flooding the streets.) The phrase salirse con la suya usually means to get ones way: Chvez se salià ³ con la suya y Coca-Cola retirà ³ el producto de la venta. (Chavez got his way and Coca-Cola took the product off the market.) Salir can also be a part of some common phrases: salir con (to go out with) - Teresa sale con Josà ©. (Teresa is going out with Jose.)salir de (to come from) - La leche es un alimento que sale de las vacas. (Milk is a food that comes from cows. Salir de more commonly means to leave or to exit.)salir caro (to be expensive): Sale muy caro deportar indocumentados. (It is very costly to deport undocumented people.) As always with words that have more than one meaning, pay attention to context in order to determine what is meant. Related Words La salida is a common noun with meanings related to those of salir. They include an exit or way out, the solution to a problem, a departure, the rising of the sun (or other astronomical body) and various kinds of output. The adjective salido can refer to something that is bulging or protruding. It can also refer to an animal in heat (or the human equivalent). The adjective saliente can refer to someone or something thats important or prominent, or to a politician who is leaving office. Conjugation of Salir Salir is often regular, but it adds a g to the stem in some forms and also modifies the ending in the indicative future and conditional tenses. Here are the irregular forms: Present indicative: yo salgo Future indicative: yo saldrà ©, tà º saldrs, à ©l/ella/usted saldr, nosotros/nosotras saldrà amos, vosotros/nosotras saldrà ©is, ellos/ellas/ustedes saldrn Conditional: yo saldrà a, tà º saldrà as, à ©l/ella/usted saldrà a, nosotros/nosotras saldrà amos, vosotros/nosotras saldrà ais, ellos/ellas/ustedes saldrà n Present subjunctive: yo salga, tà º salgas, à ©l/ella/usted salga, nosotros/nosotras salgamos, vosotros/nosotras salgis, ellos/ellas/ustedes salgan Affirmative imperative: sal tà º, salga usted, salgamos nosotros/nosotras, salgan ustedes Negative imperative: no salgas tà º, no salga usted, no salgamos nosotros/nosotras, no salgis vosotros/vosotras, no salgan ustedes.
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